Armenia PPP Project on Biometric Passports and National ID Cards Issuance Services
Request for Qualification (code: 01/2024)
Market consultation (market sounding) notice
Request for Qualification (RFQ) Document
The 2019 program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia emphasized the importance of the policy development for Public-Private Partnership (hereinafter referred to as PPP) and efficient implementation of PPP projects. The objective of the Government of the Republic of Armenia is to implement such PPP projects, under which the concluded contracts in the long-term perspective will effectively manage the risks allocated between the public and private partners, will contribute to building and development of infrastructures in the country within the framework of PPP projects, as well as will ensure positive outcomes based on the quality and value of services rendered to the public. To achieve these objectives, processes of PPP legislation framework formation have been initiated aimed at developing and implementing PPP projects.
On June 28, 2019, the RA Law “On the Public-Private Partnership” and on 30 June 2021 the RA Law “On Making Supplements and Amendments to the Law on Public-Private Partnership” were adopted defining the legal framework for PPP regulation, including the rules and procedures related to the development and implementation of PPP projects, the institutional framework of governance, applicable principles, and the private partner selection procedure. On 28 July 2022 the RA Government Decision N 1183-N “On approving the procedure for public and private partnership, the procedure for creating and managing the database on the public and private partnership projects, defining the sectors of public services provided within the scope of public and private partnership projects, sub-division of the public and private partnership, the form of the report on implementation of the public and private partnership projects and the time limit for the submission thereof and repealing decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 1241-N of 20 September 2012” was approved.
The legislative regulation of the PPP legal relations is aimed at efficient identification, development, implementation, promotion, and management of PPP projects in the Republic of Armenia, as well as creation of a database for PPP projects and setup of an institutional environment.