

Licensing, permits

The Department of Licensing and Permits of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is the main professional structural unit of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, which in the cases and by the order prescribed by law executes the policy development in the area of services rendered by the Ministry, as well as ensures the registration process of operating persons/entities subject to provision of licenses, patents, certificates, certifications, conclusions, permits, acts, verifications, and notifications, and performs activities that stem from its functions stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

The Department provides the following services:

Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for importation of vodka classified under 2208 code of the “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity” (CNFEA) classifier (+374 11) 597 229  kmuradyan@mineconomy.am
Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for assaying and hallmarking the items made from precious metals

(+374 11) 597 229

(+374 11) 597 263 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for qualification of refiners of precious metals and assayers and hallmarkers of precious metals in the Republic of Armenia

(+374 11) 597 229

(+374 11) 597 263 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for registration and certification of the Kimberley Process during the importation and exportation of diamonds to/from the Republic of Armenia

(+374 11) 597 263

(+374 11) 597 228 ajilavyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for provision of permits for exportation of dual-purpose goods under trade control and for transfer of controlled non-material values and transit transportation of dual-purpose goods through the territory of the Republic of Armenia

(+374 11) 597 263

(+374 11) 597 228 ajilavyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process of the state approval of the end-user certificate and provision of import certificate

(+374 11) 59-72-63

(+374 11) 59-72-28


Implementation of the process for application of the privileges pertaining to tax, customs, and other obligatory fees envisaged by the Framework Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia and the Commission of the European Communities (+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am
Implementation of the process for provision of licenses in the Republic of Armenia for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries

(+374 11) 597 263

(+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for provision of conclusions on duty-free importation of goods of educational, scientific, and cultural nature to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from the member states of the “Agreement on importation of materials of educational, scientific, and cultural nature” signed on November 22, 1950 (+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am
Implementation of the process for provision of conclusions on verification of targeted purpose of duty-free imported goods (raw sugar-cane without aromatizing and dying additives, except for sugar beet) for sugar production in the Republic of Armenia and classified under CNFEA 1701 13 and 1701 14 codes

(+374 11) 597 228

(+374 11) 597 263 ajilavyan@mineconomy.am

Activity that is subject to notification for trade, importation, exportation, and transportation of natural processed or raw but unframed or loose diamonds classified under 710210000, 710221000, 710231000 codes of the “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity” (CNFEA) classifier

(+374 11) 597 228 ajilavyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for provision of the state control acts prescribed for exportation (importation) of precious stones or precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries

(+374 11) 597 301 tgrigoryan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the process for approval of lists of imported (exported), processed goods and imported (exported) precious items for processing purpose and processed goods of imported (exported) natural diamonds and imported (exported) natural diamonds for processing purpose

(+374 11) 597 301 tgrigoryan@mineconomy.am 

Implementation of administrative cooperation with the European Commission, as well as the customs authorities of the member states with the objective of enforcement of the “Registered Exporter System” in the Republic of Armenia within the Generalised Scheme of Preferences of the European Union

(+374 11) 597 228 ajilavyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for importation through the customs procedures of “Release for in-country consumption”, “Processing in the customs area” and “Processing for in-country consumption” of up to 100,000 liters (based on 100% alcohol) of the grape wine or alcohol liqueurs produced from the grape juice distillation classified under 220820 code of the "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity" (CNFEA) classifier

(+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Importation to the territory of the Republic of Armenia of long-grain rice that originated in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Importation of cement classified under 2523 code of the “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity” (CNFEA) classifier (except for 2523210000, 2523100000 codes) through the customs procedures of “Release for in-country consumption”, “Processing in the customs area” and “Processing for in-country consumption”

(+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Importation through the customs procedures of “Release for in-country consumption”, “Processing in the customs area” and “Processing for in-country consumption” of importers’ batches that exceed the limit of 100,000 liters (based on 100% alcohol) of the grape wine or alcohol liqueurs produced from the grape juice distillation classified under 220820 code of the "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity" (CNFEA) classifier

+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for sale of the producers’ batches that exceed the limit of 100,000 liters (based on 100% alcohol) of the grape wine or alcohol liqueurs produced from the grape juice distillation classified under 220820 code of the "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity" (CNFEA) classifier

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269 zmelikyan@mineconomy.am

Implementation of the activity “Production of biological preparations in the veterinary sector” that is subject to notification

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am  

(+374 11) 597 269


Implementation of the activity “Production and (or) sale of chemical and biological products for plants protection” that is subject to notification

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


State registration of and provision of registration certifications for vaccines, serum, and diagnostic products applied in the veterinary sector in the Republic of Armenia

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


Provision of a one-time license for importation of plants protection products (EEU CNFEA 3808, except for EEU CNFEA 380894 adhesive tapes) that are imported to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from third countries and included in the unified list of goods of the foreign trade sector

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for production of the grape wine or alcohol liqueurs produced from the grape juice distillation classified under 220820 code of the "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity" (CNFEA) classifier and sale of production of up to 100,000 liters (based on 100% alcohol)

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for production of distilled alcoholic beverages (except for production and sale of the grape wine or alcohol liqueurs produced from the grape juice distillation classified under 220820 code, as well as production of liqueurs classified under 220870 code and other alcoholic beverages containing up to 9% alcohol classified under 220890 code, high-proof spirits of 40% and higher alcohol distilled exclusively from fruits and berries classified under 2208 code of the "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity" (CNFEA) classifier, grape vodkas and distillations of the grape vodka) and ethyl alcohol from fermented substances

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


Implementation of the activity that is subject to notification for production of grape vodkas and distillations of the grape vodka

(+374 11) 597 226 ahambardzumyan@mineconomy.am

(+374 11) 597 269


Approval of the procedure for automatic licensing (control) of importation of certain type of steel pipes from third countries to the territory of the Republic of Armenia under the customs procedure of “Release for in-country consumption”

(+374 11) 597 229 kmuradyan@mineconomy.am

United Platform on Electonic Requests

Unified website for legal acts drafts

eRegulations Armenia

Electronic Government of the Republic of Armenia

  • Hot line

    * Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.


(+374 11) 597 539


(+374 11) 597 167


(+374 11) 597 166

* Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.