Implementation of the process for application of the privileges pertaining to tax, customs, and other obligatory fees envisaged by the Framework Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia and the Commission of the European Communities

The basis for application of the privileges pertaining to tax, customs, and other obligatory fees envisaged by the Framework Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia and the Commission of the European Communities are “The Framework Agreement concluded between the Republic of Armenia and the Commission of the European Communities” signed on February 7, 2006, and the RA Government Decree No.1112-N dated September 23, 2009.

In order to benefit from the privileges defined by Clause 6 and Clause 9 of the Procedure approved by the given Decree, the organization performing the activity shall fill in the reference in compliance with the approved form (reference form). The reference form can be downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia and completed by either typing or handwriting.

In order to benefit from the privileges, the organization performing the activities shall submit to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia a cover letter indicating the address, the state registration or record-keeping number, e-mail address and telephone number, which shall accompany the following documents subject to submission:

1)      The letter-certificate from the European Commission Delegation to the Republic of Armenia stating that the importation of goods or the supply of goods or the provision of services or the performance of works was carried out within the framework of activities financed by the Commission (once submitted, it shall not be re-submitted later).

2)      A copy of the contract concluded with the European Commission on financing, including the detailed budget (once submitted, it shall not be re-submitted later). In the event of making changes or amendments to the initially approved budget, the amended copy shall be submitted and also, if necessary, the letter-certificate on making changes or amendments to the budget (once submitted, it shall not be re-submitted later). The detailed budget, as well as the changes or amendments to the budget, shall also be submitted electronically (there is no need for an electronic signature if submitted together with the paper-based copy).

Within three working days after receiving the specified documents, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia sends them to the State Revenue Committee under the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

In the event of supply of goods, performance of works and provision of services in the Republic of Armenia:

1) The organization performing the activities provides the reference in two copies, signs them, provides one copy to the supplier (contractor, service provider), and keeps the second copy,

2) The organization performing the activities by the 20th of the month following each quarter shall submit to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia copies of the references pertaining to supply of goods, performance of works, and provision of services carried out during the given quarter in the Republic of Armenia. The copies of the references shall be submitted with a cover letter which shall specify the required information defined by the sub-clause 3 of Clause 12 of the Procedure, as well as the name of the organization, the name of the activity (program), the cost of the supply of goods, performance of works, or provision of services (in numbers and letters).

The cover letter and copies of the references can be submitted to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia by hand or mail. The cover letter can also be submitted electronically to, with an electronic digital signature in accordance with the prescribed order, in an appropriate file format (PDF). The references attached to the letter with an electronic digital signature shall be submitted as a scanned copy of an appropriate file format (DOC, DOCX, PDF, JPEG, XLS or XLSX).

Within 15 working days, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia shall check the fact whether the goods, services, or works specified in the reference submitted with the cover letter are included in the agreement and activity budget, as well as shall check the compliance of the quantitative features with the agreement and activity budget, and in the event of finding any discrepancy within three working days shall notify the organization performing the activity through registered mail, delivery notice or use of other means of communication providing message transfer or by means of an electronic system (via the e-mail specified in the application or by sending a message to the telephone number), as well as by a receipt or other means of electronic communication defined by legislation.

The organization performing the activity, within five working days after receiving information on the discrepancy found in the reference, shall submit a corrected reference to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, after receiving from the organization performing the activity references on supply of goods, performance of works, and provision of services in the Republic of Armenia and checking the compliance thereof with the agreement and activity budget, within three working days shall submit the references, or within five working days after receiving a corrected reference shall submit the corrected references to the State Revenue Committee under the Government of the Republic of Armenia. In case of non-submission by the organization performing the activity of the reference addressed to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, the latter within three working days shall submit the references containing discrepancies to the State Revenue Committee under the Government of the Republic of Armenia by indicating the discrepancies found in the references.

In the event of exhausting the activity budget or any line item thereof, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia within three working days shall inform the organization performing the activity, noting that the latter has exhausted its right to provide a reference on the activity budget or any line item thereof.

In case of a person in direct contractual relationship with the organization pursuing to perform the activity and in the event of importation of goods by an organization pursuing to perform the activity, the required documents in compliance with Clause 15 and Clause 16 of the Procedure approved by the Decree shall be submitted by the organization performing the activity to the State Revenue Committee under the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

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