Implementation of the process for provision of licenses in the Republic of Armenia for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries

Provision of licenses in the Republic of Armenia for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries and importation thereof to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from third countries is implemented in compliance with the provisions of the “Protocol on measures for non-tariff regulation with regard to third countries” approved by Annex 7 to the “Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union” dated May 29, 2014, the Decision No.199 of the Board of the Economic Commission dated November 6, 2014, the RA Government Decree No.83 dated January 30, 2015, and the Decision No.131 of the Commission of the Eurasian Economic Union dated October 6, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) (Appendix 14).

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia has been recognized as the authorized entity with regard to exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries and importation thereof to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from third countries. The customs clearance for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, and raw production specified in Sections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Decision is carried out on the basis of the license issued by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia. The exportation of goods specified in Table 1 of Section 2.10 of the Decision is carried out on the basis of the license, as well as the control act, whereas the exportation of goods specified in Table 2 is carried out on the basis of the license only.

To receive a one-time or general license for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries, the applicant shall submit to the authorized entity:

1)      an application completed in accordance with Form 1 or Form 2 (see the attached files) (the procedure for completing the application is approved by Clause 6 of the Decision No.199 of the Board of the Economic Commission dated November 6, 2014). In the event the application to receive a license indicates several products that correspond to the same 10-digit code, Form 3 or Form 4 shall be completed,

2)      a copy of the foreign trade agreement, its appendices and (or) amendments (for a one-time license), and in the absence of a foreign trade agreement a copy of another document certifying the intentions of the Parties,

3)      a copy of the license issued for the type of activity subject to licensing or information on the existence of a license for the type of activity subject to licensing (if this is envisaged by the legislation of a Member State), if that type of activity is related to the circulation of the product for which a licensing requirement is stipulated in the customs territory of the Union,

4)      other documents (information), if they are specified by the decision of the Commission, on the basis of which licensing of the relevant product is envisaged,

5)      the receipt for payment of the state fee, and in case of payment through the state electronic payment system, the receipt or the 20-digit number of the receipt generated by the state electronic payment system.

Each sheet of the submitted copies of the documents shall be verified by the applicant’s signature and seal, or the copies of the documents shall be stapled and their last pages shall be verified by the applicant's signature and seal.

The documents required to receive a one-time or general license can be submitted to the authorized body at the applicant's discretion electronically (e-mail:, as well as by mail or in person.

Within five workings days after the documents submitted by the applicant are registered by the authorized entity, the one-time or general license shall be provided in person or sent (by mail) to the applicant by a cover letter.

In case the documents are incomplete, within three working days after the applicant submits the documents to the authorized entity, the applicant shall be informed about it electronically or through other means of communication.

In case a notice of incompleteness of the documents is received, the applicant can amend/complete them within three working days.

An application for a one-time or general license shall be rejected, if the application and attached documents are incomplete, and the applicant does not eliminate the deficiencies in the application or attached documents or does not submit the amended documents within three working days.

The term of a one-time license may not exceed one year effective from the date of its entry into force. The term of a one-time license may be limited by the term of the foreign trade agreement or the period of validity of the document which served as basis for providing the license.

The term of a general license may not exceed one year effective from the date of its entry into force, whereas in case of goods subject to quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas for exportation and (or) importation, the term shall expire during the calendar year for which the quota has been established, unless otherwise envisaged by the Commission.

In compliance with Article 19.6 of the RA Law “On the state duty”, the annual state fee to receive a license in the Republic of Armenia for exportation of precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third countries and importation thereof to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from third countries is AMD1,000. The applicant shall pay the state fee to receive a license to the account 900005000840 of the Central Treasury.

A one-time or general license is denied, issued, suspended, and terminated by the decision of the authorized entity in accordance with the circumstances and order defined by “The rules of the issuance of licenses and permits to export and (or) import of goods” Appendix of the Protocol approved within Annex 7 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated May 29, 2014.

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