Implementation of administrative cooperation with the European Commission, as well as the customs authorities of the member states with the objective of enforcement of the “Registered Exporter System” in the Republic of Armenia within the Generalised Scheme of Preferences of the European Union

The procedure for application of the “Registered Exporter System” in the Republic of Armenia within the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) of the European Union (EU) is defined in accordance with the Order No.56-A of the RA Minister of Economy dated January 27, 2018.

Administrative cooperation is carried out by the Department of Licenses and permits of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia (a competent entity for administrative cooperation).

Within the GSP framework, the entity competent for administrative cooperation shall assure the origin of the goods indicated in the declaration of origin issued by the exporter:

  1. in the event of inquiries for assurance of the origin of the goods submitted by the European Commission or the customs authorities of the EU Member States,
  2. on its own initiative, based on risk assessment.

Assurance of the origin of the product is carried out within 15 working days after receiving the written notice of the competent entity (including by e-mail) on the basis of the documents submitted by the exporter/manufacturer to the competent entity or, in case of insufficiency thereof, visits paid to the operation site of the exporter/manufacturer. For the purposes of assurance of the origin of the product, the entity competent for administrative cooperation shall:

  1. examine the declarations on the origin of goods or materials for goods, in relation to which inquiries have been received from the European Commission or EU Member States,
  2. examine the substantiating documents provided by the suppliers, which will certify the country of origin of those goods and materials, which the Armenian exporter/ manufacturer has purchased from another organization,
  3. compares the exporter’s trade flow for the given material or product with the accounting documents submitted by the exporter.

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