
Phytosanitary is a system of measures aimed at production of healthy plants, plant products, and regulated items in a healthy environment.

For sustainable development of economy in the Republic of Armenia the sector of phytosanitary is of great importance, which regulates the management-related relations and specifies the mandatory phytosanitary requirements and key phytosanitary principles for the procedures of growing, preservation, transportation or marketing of plants, plant products, and other regulated items, as well as the responsibilities of both physical and legal entities engaged in soil cultivation.

The RA Ministry of Economy develops and implements the policy of the phytosanitary sector in the Republic of Armenia and conducts surveillance of the policy implementation.

The most important task in the field of phytosanitary is to control the quarantine of plants in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and organization of identification and elimination of regulated, non-quarantine noxious organisms, as well as prevention of penetration and dispersion of plants’ quarantine noxious organisms in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, and implementation of measures aimed at phytosanitary examination of plants, plant products, and regulated items, sampling for testing and plant protection.

Another problem of this sector is the observance of phytosanitary rules and norms during importation, exportation, re-exportation and transit transportation of plants, plant products, and regulated items, during production and processing of plants, plant products, and regulated items, as well as observance of phytosanitary rules and norms at sales sites operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and control of the observance thereof,  implementation of measures aimed at timely prediction, diagnosis, and prevention of mass reproduction and dispersion of plants’ noxious organisms, ensuring the elimination of threats to improvement of agricultural, ornamental crops and the phytosanitary status of forests, environment, and flora and fauna.

Due to dispersion of noxious organisms and increase in population thereof, the harvest of agricultural crops becomes endangered. Therefore, the organization of combat measures against the most noxious organisms of agricultural crops (mouse-like rodents, locusts) at the expense of state funding stems from the interests of national security and economic independence.

The RA Government Decree No.1476-N dated November 4, 2010, on “Approving the 2010-2020 strategy for sustainable development of rural communities and agriculture in the Republic of Armenia and the list of measures ensuring the implementation of the 2010-2020 strategy for sustainable development of rural communities and agriculture in the Republic of Armenia” ascertains the necessity to ensure plant protection, implementation of quarantine measures and phytosanitary security of the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Within the framework of “Plant protection measures” project, pursuant to the RA Minister of Economy Order No.441-A dated April 1, 2020, Ararat and Syunik Marzes were provided free of charge with a plant protection rodenticide Bromadiolone for 937 ha for implementation of combat measures against mouse-like rodents in arable lands and perennial plantations that were highly and medium infected with mouse-like rodents, which was detected as a result of monitoring in Ararat and Syunik Marzes by the “Center for agricultural services” SNCO in March 2020.

According to Annex 7 defined by the RA Government Decree No.692-N dated May 7, 2020, the “Agricultural Services Center” SNCO will conduct annual monitoring aimed at organization of combat measures against Tuta absoluta, for which acquisition and installation of pheromone traps is envisaged to be organized in 10 Marzes of the Republic of Armenia.

In order to ensure implementation of Clause 3 of the RA Government Decree No.69-N dated January 23, 2020, “On making changes and amendments to the RA Government Decree No.1524-N dated December 25, 2014”, the RA Minister of Economy Order No.339-N dated March 5, 2020, was developed “On approving the procedure for provision of a one-time license and the license template for importation of plant protection products and other persistent organic pollutants that are imported to the territory of the Republic of Armenia from third countries and included in the unified list of goods of the foreign trade sector, envisaged for laboratory tests, as well as to be used as the reference standard”.

Activities are also underway aimed at implementation of additional functions stemming from Armenia’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Union, particularly, legislative and institutional reforms.

Investment Policy Statement

Guide to the investment environment support programs

Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Armenia

One Stop Shop for Investors

Feedback with the ministry staff officers

United Platform on Electonic Requests

Unified website for legal acts drafts

eRegulations Armenia

Electronic Government of the Republic of Armenia

The rank of Armenia in the international ratings

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