Corporate Governance Code

"The Government of the Republic of Armenia views the implementation of corporate governance principles as an important factor for the sustainable development of the private sector, and the accountability of organizational management bodies and the transparency of their decisions as a means to reduce risks in the private sector and promote foreign investment flows.

The first Corporate Governance Code of the Republic of Armenia was approved by Government Decision No. 1769-A on December 30, 2010. The new Corporate Governance Code was approved by the Order No. 1955-N of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia on July 30, 2024.

Organizations adhering to the Code are required to prepare and publish on their websites the annual report stipulated by the Code, along with the corporate governance report and the annual corporate governance declaration, by June 30 of the year following the reporting year, based on the "Comply or Explain" principle.

It is expected that the application of Corporate Governance principles, in line with international best practices, by Armenian companies will contribute to investor confidence, risk reduction, efficient resource allocation, long-term growth, the strengthening of integrity within the business sector, and the protection of stakeholder interests."

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