

Trade and Market Regulation

Foreign Trade

Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Product list and tariffs provided by the US to Armenia

The main aim of the measures employed in the field of Foreign Trade is the observance of liberal principle of Foreign trade adopted by the Government of RA, access to foreign markets for economic entities, representation of Armenia as a favorable country for doing business, promotion of substantial export growth, providing the competiveness of national goods in the international consumer markets, reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers for the import of goods to partner countries, employment of the standards required for the Free trade regime with the European Union, protection of interests of local producers abroad.


Trade policy and market regulation policy is designing Trade and Market Regulation Department, Ministry of Economy of RA. Tel. (+374 11) 59-71-50.


Consumer market

Trade sector which includes the consumer market is the sector of the RA economy where a substantial part of the working population is engaged in. The spheres of Consumer market and Consumer Rights Protection are still in the process of development.


The realization of series of events are aimed to ensure that equal competition in consumer market and the system of Consumers Rights Protection is consistent with international standards. It also aims to ensure the formation of a qualitative transformation, investment of good standards of business ethics and the realization of standard invest policy, provide a provision of feedback control in the public sector , formation of informed society, corporate governance, including the establishment of a system of corporate control rules.


Trade policy and market regulation policy is designing Trade and Market Regulation Department, Ministry of Economy of RA. Tel. (+374 11) 59-71-50.



To improve the competition environment the RA state economic policy aims to harmonize the Armenian legislation on economic competition with international standards, to employ new leverages for control of compliance to the existing legislation, development of entrepreneurship, improving production efficiency, problems’ investigation of the field, and developing proposals to solve those problems, protection of national producers and consumers rights, to create fair competition environment and prevent anti-competitive practices, and improve country’s global competitiveness index.


State policy in the field of provision of appropriate environment for fair competition and market protection, being the cornerstone of private entrepreneurship and public legal-economic relations, is to establish an effective proportion between them, which success depends on not only the compliance with the legislation on competition, but also existence of polite business etiquette between the market participants.



  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RA www.armcci.am
  • The Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia www.umba.info.am
  • Non-governmental organizations www.ngo.am


Trade policy and market regulation policy is designing Trade and Market Regulation Department, Ministry of Economy of RA. Tel. (+374 11) 59-71-50

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Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Armenia

One Stop Shop for Investors

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  • Hot line

    * Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.


(+374 11) 597 539


(+374 11) 597 167


(+374 11) 597 166

* Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.