

About the Ministry

Quick reference

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia with the current structure was formed as a result of the unification of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Amending and Adding to the Law “On the Structure and Activities of the Government ”adopted by the RA National Assembly on May 8 2008 (signed by the President of the Republic of Armenia on May 16, 2019, No-31-N).

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia includes 21 main professional structural divisions, 9 supporting structural divisions, 1 offices and 1 subordinate body.

The Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia is Gevorg Papoyan.




The Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of the Republic of Armenia

The Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of the Republic of Armenia is the successor to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, which, in turn, was created on the basis of the State Committee on Economics of the Republic of Armenia. The State Committee for Economics of the Republic of Armenia was formed in 1990 as a result of the restructuring of the State Planning Committee of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1997, by Decree N 747 dated June 10 “On Structural Changes of the Government of the Republic of Armenia” of the President of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of the merger of the Ministry of Trade, Services and Tourism, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia was formed.

In 2002, by Decrees NN 1063 and 1064 of March 16 of the President of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia was reformed and renamed the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia.

On April 21, 2008, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development was renamed the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.




Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia since 5 march, 2024


- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia from November 26, 2020 to February 14, 2024

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia since July 1, 2019 to November 26, 2020
- Minister of Economic Development and Investment from October 15, 2018 to July 1, 2019

- Minister of Economic Development and Investment of the Republic of Armenia from May 12 to October 3, 2018

- Minister of Economic Development and Investment of the Republic of Armenia from October 6, 2016 to May 12, 2018
- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia from September 27 to October 6, 2016

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia from February 24 to September 27, 2016

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 2014-2016

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 2013-2014

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 2010-2013

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 2008-2010
- Minister of Trade and Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia, 2007-2008

- Minister of Trade and Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia, 2002-2007
- Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia, 1999-2002

- Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia, 1998-1999

- Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia, 1997-1998

- Minister of Finance and Economics of the Republic of Armenia, 2000-2008

- Minister of Finance and Economics of the Republic of Armenia, 2000-2000

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 1999-2000

- Minister of Finance and Economics of the Republic of Armenia, 1998-1999

- Minister of Finance and Economics of the Republic of Armenia, 1997-1998

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 1996-1997

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 1995-1996

- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 1993-1995

- Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, 1991-1993

- First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the State Economy Committee of the Republic of Armenia, 1990


Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia developed and implemented programs of interstate cooperation in the agri-food sector, in the field of forestry, crop production, animal husbandry, development of land reclamation and increasing the agricultural land use efficiency.

The “State Inspection of Agricultural Machinery” and the “Licensing Center” agency were separate units of the Ministry.

On September 5, 2002, the RA Government adopted Decision No. 1516-N, according to which the functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia were to develop and implement the RA Government’s policy in the field of agriculture and forestry.

Since 1958, the journal Agrogitutyun («Agroscience») has been published by the Ministry and, since 1951, the weekly journal Agrolratu («Agroinformation»).

The Previous Ministers of Agriculture: Yuri Javadyan (02.1991-12.1991), Gagik Shahbazyan (1991-1993, 1999-2000), Ashot Voskanyan (1993-1996), Vladimir Movsisyan (1996-1999), Zaven Gevorgyan (2000-2002), David Zadoyan (2002-2003), David Lokyan (2003-2008), Aramayis Grigoryan (2008-2009), Gerasim Alaverdyan (2009-2010), Sergo Karapetyan (2010-2016). From September 20, 2016 to the present, the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia has been held by Ignatiy Arakelyan.

The Ministry of Agriculture in Armenia began its activities on December 24, 1918 as the Main Directorate of Agriculture and State Property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the First Armenian Republic (the head of the department was Stepan Kamsarakan). According to the Law “On Enforcement of the Laws of the Former Russian Empire in Armenia” adopted by the Council of Armenia, the laws of the Provisional Government, the Transcaucasian Commissariat, the Seim and the Council of Armenia temporarily acted on the territory of the Republic of Armenia with some amendments and additions.

On January 8, 1920, the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia decided to liquidate the General Directorate of Agricultural and State Property (Minister S. Vratsyan) and establish the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property.

On December 22, 1920, by decree No. 7 of the Revolutionary Committee of Armenia, the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture of the Armenian SSR was formed, which in 1947 was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR.

On March 30, 1962, according to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR was renamed the Ministry of Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products, which was valid until March 1965.

Since 1965, it was again renamed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR. Since 1976, the Ministry included 30 main departments and divisions (crop production, animal husbandry, agricultural science and human resource training, viticulture and fruit growing, collective and Soviet farms, mechanization and electrification, veterinary medicine, poultry farming, etc.). The Ministry subordinated many research institutes, technical schools, zonal stations and laboratories.

On December 17, 1985, the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the Armenian SSR (Gosagroprom) was formed. Gosagroprom supervised the provision of agricultural, food, meat and dairy industries, the purchase of agricultural products, as well as the material and technical support of enterprises for the primary processing of wool and other organizations. The main tasks were to ensure the development of the agro-industrial complex, the intensification and mechanization of other sectors of the agricultural sector, as well as the introduction of new technologies and increase production efficiency. The state agro-industry was headed by V. Movsisyan (1985-1990), Sh. Aleksanyan (05.1990-08.1990).

The People's Commissars of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR were: A. Yerznkyan (1921-1929), M. Chalyan (05.1930-06.1930), A. Guloyan (1930-1932), G. Yesayan (1932-1933), A. Ananyan (04.1933-11.1933), V. Mamikonyan (1933-1936), G. Melik-Dadayan (1936-1937), K. Grigoryan (09.1937-11.1937), Sh. Arushanyan (1937-1938), A.Sahakyan (02.1938-07.1938), G.Mardjanyan (1938-1945), S.Ghazaryan (1945-1947).

The ministers of agriculture of the Armenian SSR were: E. Ghazaryan (1947-1952, 1961-1962), S. Chilingaryan (1952-1953), S. Ghazaryan (03.1953-12.1953), R. Abrahamyan (1954-1957. ), G. Hovhannisyan (1957-1958, 1965-1974), G. Stepanyan (1958-1961), G. Petrosyan (1962-1965), G. Tarjumanyan (1975-1985), V. Movsisyan (1985-1990), Sh. Aleksanyan (05.1990-08.1990).

Investment Policy Statement

Guide to the investment environment support programs

Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Armenia

One Stop Shop for Investors

Feedback with the ministry staff officers

United Platform on Electonic Requests

Unified website for legal acts drafts

eRegulations Armenia

Electronic Government of the Republic of Armenia

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