EEU single services market

The single market of services in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union started its operation in 43 spheres effective January 1, 2015. The list of the spheres of services was approved by the Decision No.110 of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (SEEC) on December 23, 2014.

Within the framework of activity of the single market of services, each member state shall entitle persons of any other member state to provision of services under the following conditions:

National regime,

More favorable regime, without restrictions,

Non-application of quantitative and investment restrictions,

Provision of services on the basis of issued permits without additional approval,

Recognition of qualifications (experience, education, etc.) (without application of recognition processes),

Provision of services without establishment of an additional legal entity (creation, etc.).

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union stipulates the obligations of states with regard to the further expansion of the single market of services, including through liberalization.

The SEEC Decision No.30 dated October 16, 2015, approved the list of spheres (sub-spheres) of services that consists of 21 service spheres, according to which the formation of the single market of services will take place during the transition period.

10 working groups headed by the EEC Ministers have been set up to prepare the liberalization programs.

The SEEC Decision No.23 dated December 26, 2016, approved 18 liberalization plans.

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