The Board of Trustees of the Vine and Wine Foundation of Armenia held a regular session

29 January, 2025

On January 29, the Board of Trustees of the Vine and Wine Foundation of Armenia (VWFA) held a regular session, chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, RA Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan. The session was also attended by Deputy Minister Arman Khojoyan.

The Executive Director of the VWFA, Zaruhi Muradyan, briefly presented the 2024 report and the strategic goals of the foundation, which are aimed at increasing the recognition of Armenian wine and promoting the consumption of Armenian wines in domestic and foreign markets.

During the session, the current problems of the viticulture and winemaking sector in the Republic of Armenia and possible ways to solve them, the work carried out to study the potential of Armenian grape varieties, preserve local varieties and establish collection gardens, the projects implemented and planned jointly with international partners, the steps taken to digitize the viticulture and winemaking sector were discussed.

The Minister emphasized that in order to strengthen the fund, it is necessary to increase the involvement of private winemaking companies in the fund's activities in various formats, starting with delegating to them a certain amount of the state's financial expenses for participation in international exhibitions.

Reference was made to the programs and events to be implemented by the fund in 2025, the development of steps aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Armenian wine and the promotion of domestic wine consumption.

Two topics on the agenda: the Fund's 2024 annual programs and financial report, as well as the 2025 annual programs and budget, received a positive response.

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