

Quality infrastructure

Globalization of international economy and increased consumer awareness-have added “Quality infrastructure" as a new expression to the world of terms. Quality infrastructure system includes standardization, metrology, accreditation, testing, technical control and certification, technical regulation fields and market surveillance.

Quality infrastructure, in the provision of its services, ensures the compliance of products and services to the mandatory requirements protecting the interests of consumers and businesses and promoting, contributing to the preservation of the quality of the products and services.

However, quality infrastructure promotes export, competition and innovation. Every day producers and consumers use quality infrastructure components without even realizing it. And it is not accidental, that these components operate quietly in the environment and do not give rise to suspicion-PHONE's work, drug’s content corresponds to the recipe data. But confidence implies a high level of administrative and political conditions and technical capabilities. Quality infrastructure essentially affects the economic and social development degree of each country. It is a vitally important and integral part of economy and one of foundations of national, regional, and international trade. Neither environmental protection, nor health, and consumer’s rights can function without quality infrastructure. Based on this reality, the Government of the Republic of Armenia undertakes serious steps towards the development of quality infrastructure. “The reform of the quality infrastructure strategy of the Republic of Armenia" has been developed and later adopted by decision of the Government of Armenia N1693, December 16, 2010. The aim of the decision was to ensure long-term orientation of the national quality infrastructure development and to reform the existing system to meet the international and European requirements.

This reform intended legal, institutional, capacity strengthening and awareness-raising events in the fields of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, testing, technical control, certification and market surveillance. The Strategy, which must be implemented up to 2020, is intended for gradual compliance with European requirements for full integration of Armenian quality infrastructure into global system.

The following stages of the reform of quality infrastructure are in the process of development: stage of reforms in legislative and institutional fields and capacity strengthening stage. The new laws on «Standardization", "Technical Regulations", "Ensuring the unity of measurements" and "Accreditation" were developed and later adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on February 8th, 2012 for reforming legislative framework, whereupon the laws on "Amendments in the law of the Republic of Armenia on Standardization", "Changes and Amendments in the law of the Republic of Armenia on Ensuring the unity of measurements ", "Amendment in the law of the Republic of Armenia on State Fee", "Amendment and changes in the law of the Republic of Armenia on Accreditation", "Changes and amendment in the law of the Republic of Armenia on Technical Regulations " developed and later adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on April 30th, 2013.

It should be noted that bilateral and multilateral agreements and protocols, interagency agreements and agreements of Interstate Council of Standardization, Metrology and Certification have been signed between the Governments, which are within the framework of the CIS member states.

EU product safety regulating provisions are represented in the Law on Technical regulation (which formerly didn’t exist in the Republic of Armenia) and for the first time are defined responsibilities for producers. Regulatory laws in the fields of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and accreditation for integration of Armenian responsible institutes of standardization, metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment and market surveillance into EU and international buildings have been developed and put into circulation. All institutional changes of these fields will provide independence of these buildings.

In conjunction with the Department of Quality infrastructure and Technical Regulation above mentioned Quality infrastructure policy development works are carried out by following separate structures of the Ministry of Economy:

• National Body of Accreditation

•Intellectual Property Agency. Tel: 54-34-67

•State Inspectorate of the Market and Consumer Protection. Tel: 23-56-00

•National Institute of Standards. Tel: 23-70-20

•National Institute of Metrology. Tel: 23-26-00


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  • Hot line

    * Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.


(+374 11) 597 539


(+374 11) 597 167


(+374 11) 597 166

* Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.