Program on “Construction or re-construction of small and medium “smart” cattle houses and state assistance for their technology provision”

The main goal of the program on “Construction or re-construction of small and medium “smart” cattle houses and state assistance for their technology provision” is to improve conditions of animal management, thereby increasing the productivity indicators of animals.

Within the framework of the program, beneficiaries will be reimbursed by the state for expenses incurred for construction or reconstruction of “smart” cattle houses.

Beneficiaries must choose one of the three proposed models:

Model 1, with a production area of ​​130-280 square meters, designed for at least 10-15 animals with unbound management. The costs for construction and technological provision are estimated at around 11 million AMD. The compensation by the state is 5.5 million AMD, whereas 7.7 million AMD compensation is provided to citizens who became disabled as a result of realizing military duty or military operations during military service, business entities operating in the border settlements and receiving social assistance pursuant to the RA Government Decree No.1444-N of December 18, 2014, and institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the field of agriculture.

Model 2, with a production area of ​​281-450 square meters, designed for at least 20-25 animals with unbound management. The costs for construction and technological provision are estimated at around 23 million AMD. The compensation by the state is 11.5 million AMD, whereas 16.1 million AMD compensation is provided to citizens who became disabled as a result of realizing military duty or military operations during military service, business entities operating in the border settlements and receiving social assistance, and institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the field of agriculture.

Model 3, with a production area of ​​451 and more square meters, designed for at least 40-45 animals with unbound management. The costs for construction and technological provision are estimated at around 35 million AMD. The compensation by the state is 17.5 million AMD, whereas 24.5 million AMD compensation is provided to citizens who became disabled as a result of realizing military duty or military operations during military service, business entities operating in the border settlements and receiving social assistance, and institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the field of agriculture.

Equipment and standards required for technological provision of cattle houses:

  • Typical design of a plastic barn with a polyethylene cover envisaged for 12 cows
  • Typical design of a barn with sandwich panels envisaged for 12 cows
  • Typical design of a plastic barn with a polyethylene cover envisaged for 27 cows
  • Typical design of a barn with sandwich panels envisaged for 27 cows
  • Typical design of a plastic barn with a polyethylene cover envisaged for 42 cows
  • Typical design of a barn with sandwich panels envisaged for 42 cows

To benefit from the program, the business entity shall apply to the Ministry by submitting:

  • Application
  • Certificate of registration of ownership (use or lease) of the real estate. In case of presenting a certificate on use or lease of a real estate, the consent of the real estate owner for construction/reconstruction shall also be submitted.
  • Certificate on participation in training courses on animal breeding, which is issued as a result of participation in training courses organized by the Foundation of the “National Agrarian University of Armenia”.
  • A design compliant with the standards of the models presented by the program, including a typical or reusable design.
  • In case of reconstruction, photos of the real estate subject to reconstruction.

The list of contractors affiliated with the Program (Note: the Program can be implemented both with and without a contractor).

The compensation amount is transferred by the Ministry to the applicant’s bank account in two tranches: the first tranche is reimbursed within 10 days after completion of construction/reconstruction works and upon receipt of the positive conclusion of the first tranche monitoring at 50% of the compensation amount, whereas the remaining 50% is reimbursed within 10 days after technological provision of the cattle house and upon receipt of the positive conclusion of the second tranche monitoring.

The application for reimbursement and required documents can be submitted via email to

Detailed information on the program can be requested from:

Department of Agricultural Extension, Innovation and Monitoring, 011 597 254, 011 524 610, and Agricultural Programs Implementation Department, 011 530 333, 011 597 184.

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