In order to promote private investments in the Republic of Armenia, the Government of the Republic of Armenia provides assistance to the organization implementing the investment project (or to more than one organization that applied together for assistance) (hereinafter referred to as the beneficiary) in the form of partial compensation for the costs incurred to provide the area planned for the implementation of the investment project with the necessary infrastructure. In the sense of this measure, roads, water supply (including irrigation), drainage, gas supply, electricity supply and telecommunication systems are considered infrastructures.

  • In the sense of this measure, the total investment value of the investment program includes the construction (including reconstruction) of real estate (not including the infrastructure) necessary for the organization of the respective activities provided for by the investment program of each of them, in case of more than one organization applying together for the purpose of receiving assistance, and the sum of the costs (including taxes) incurred for the acquisition of fixed assets (including transportation and installation, establishment /planting in the case of gardens).
  • The cost of infrastructure construction is not included in the total investment cost.
  • The basis for calculating the total value of investments is the value of investments made for the implementation of the investment program after the conclusion of the contract defined by the measure.

Requirements for providing assistance:

  • The investment project by the beneficiary must be implemented in the area outside the first and second cadastral zone of the city of Yerevan.
  • The investment project must be aimed at the organization of agriculture (group A of the "Types of Economic Activity Classifier" approved by Order No. 874-N of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia dated September 19, 2013), manufacturing industry (group C of the "Types of Economic Activity Classifier") or service provision (groups H 52, I, J 63.1 of the "Types of Economic Activity Classifier").
  • For the implementation of the investment project, the beneficiary must have a registered right of ownership or development or use or lease of the area.
  • In order to receive assistance, as of the moment of submission of the application, the beneficiary should not have initiated administrative proceedings regarding collection of unfulfilled tax obligations.
  • The cost of the provided support cannot exceed 70 percent of the cost of the infrastructure being built and no more than:
  1. 10 percent of the total investment value of the investment project for the implementation of an investment project of up to 500 million drams;
  2. 20 percent of the total investment value of the investment project for the implementation of an investment project of AMD 500 million or more;

Necessary documents

  1. application: form No. 1.,
  2. summary of the investment project according to form N 2,
  3. description of infrastructures (including infrastructure projects, technical characteristics, feasibility study, technical conditions received from infrastructure operating organizations and, if necessary, the consent of the latter for further maintenance (and in the case of irrigation systems from Water Users Association),
  4. after the construction of the infrastructure, who will be given the right to own and operate it,
  5. the estimation of the costs necessary for the construction, including the costs of acquisition of land (servitude), design, copyright and technical control (if technical control is required by law) for the infrastructure,
  6. according to the rules approved by the Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia, the connection contracts for the connection works to the electricity supply and water supply and drainage (wastewater treatment) systems,
  7. information on ownership or lease or use rights to the land/area intended for the implementation of the investment project, with certifying documents.

*The responsible body examines the application within 10 working days after receiving it and, in the absence of defects, signs an agreement with the Beneficiary on the provision of compensation within one month. If the application is incomplete, it is returned to the Beneficiary within 5 working days to correct the application. The application is subject to rejection, if the corrected application is not submitted within the specified period or is again submitted incompletely.

The procedure for providing the assistance:

  1. After the full implementation of the investment program and the construction of the infrastructure, the documents confirming the implementation of the investment project, the act of operation of the infrastructure and the expenses incurred for the construction of the infrastructure, and in accordance with the rules approved by the Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia, in the case of the infrastructure built on the basis of connection agreements, the documents justifying the expenses incurred for the construction instead, the responsible body submits the report (hereinafter referred to as the report) certifying the connection fees, submitted with relevant supporting documents.
  2. Realized investments and expenses incurred on the built infrastructure are approved based on the report submitted by the beneficiary, and the report must be prepared and approved by an audit organization included in the prestigious Big 4 international list. The reports must certify documented expenses incurred by the beneficiary for the purpose of investment and construction of infrastructures and the scope of the works carried out.
  3. The responsible body submits the report to the commission for approval within 10 working days after receiving it. The commission approves or rejects the report within 10 working days.
  4. The aid is provided in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia within one month after the report is approved by the commission. The report is approved by a simple majority vote of the committee.

*Beneficiaries cannot get assistance from this event if they have already received assistance within the framework of the following decisions:

  • RA Government’s decision N 276-L of March 3, 2022 "On approving the pilot program for providing support to investment projects in the livestock sector in the Republic of Armenia",
  • RA Government’s decision N 532-L of April 13, 2023 "On approving the 2024-2026 program for the development of industrial crab farming in the Republic",
  • RA Government’s decision N 1867-N of October 26, 2023 “On approving the program of providing state support to commercial companies engaged in the production of economically complex goods in the Republic of Armenia”.

In order to get more detailed information about the project (including the procedure and conditions for providing assistance, the format of the application), go to the following link. For additional information, call +374 11 597 259.


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